Bus from Linz to Cesky Krumlov

There exists no bus line from Linz to Cesky Krumlov whatsoever. But it is possible to combine train and bus connections, which is faster than train connections only. The average time the journey takes is 3 hours 8 minutes.

You have to get train going either to Ceske Budejovice or Kaplice and then take a bus to Cesky Krumlov. The bus station in Cesky Krumlov is near the town center (unlike the train station).

The option through Kaplice is a little bit cheaper and usually takes a little less time, but the distance between train stop and bus stop in Kaplice is bigger than the one between the train station and bus station in Ceske Budejovice.

If you want your journey to be faster, without any changeovers and for nearly the same price, the door-to-door shuttle service is a solution for you.

Timetables of buses from Linz to Cesky Krumlov - bus schedule

(Linz to Cesky Krumlov buses timetables)


Linz Hbf 7:07 7:21
Kaplice, train station 9:14

Kaplice-nádraží (bus stop)
Cesky Krumlov, bus station 10:35  
Total duration 3 hours 15 minutes
Changeovers 1
Approximate price 372 CZK + 22 EUR


Linz, your hotel   9:00
Cesky Krumlov, your hotel 11:00  
Total duration 2 hours 
Changeovers 0
Approximate price 500 CZK


Linz Hbf 11:07 11:12
Kaplice, train station 13:11

Kaplice-nádraží (bus stop)
Cesky Krumlov, bus station 14:45  
Total duration 3 hours 23 minutes
Changeovers 1
Approximate price 372 CZK + 22 EUR



Linz, your hotel   13:00
Cesky Krumlov, your hotel 15:00  
Total duration 2 hours 
Changeovers 0
Approximate price 500 CZK


Linz Hbf 15:28 15:35
Ceske Budejovice, train station 17:42

Ceske Budejovice, bus station
Cesky Krumlov, bus station 18:50  
Total duration 3 hours 10 minutes
Changeovers 1
Approximate price 387 CZK + 22 EUR



Linz, your hotel   17:00
Cesky Krumlov, your hotel 19:00  
Total duration 2 hours 
Changeovers 0
Approximate price 500 CZK



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How many hours in the train from Linz to Cesky Krumlov?
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How much does the train from Linz to Cesky Krumlov cost?
What is the price of the train ticket from Linz to Cesky Krumlov?
Timetables of busses from Linz to Cesky Krumlov.
Linz to Cesky Krumlov busses timetables.



these timetables may not be up to date.

For updated timetables please visit Idos.cz and ÖBB

Bean Shuttle - daily shuttle bus between Cesky Krumlov and Vienna, Salzburg, Hallstatt and Prague for 800 CZK per personCK Shuttle - daily shuttle bus between Cesky Krumlov and Linz from 350 CZK per personPension Ingrid - accommodation Cesky Krumlov

CK Shuttle - 302 Found


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